The Future of Marketing With AI

The Future of Marketing With AI

Time To Read: 4 minutes

The Future of Marketing With AI

The future of marketing is about to get a whole lot more exciting with the integration of AI technology! That’s right, artificial intelligence is taking the marketing world by storm and changing the game for businesses everywhere. With AI, machines can now perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, like learning, problem-solving, and decision-making, which is revolutionizing the way we do marketing.

AI technology is changing the marketing industry by:

  1. Allowing for the personalization of campaigns and ads based on customer data.
  2. Enabling predictive analytics and data-driven decisions.
  3. Automating tasks such as content creation and customer service.
  4. Improving audience segmentation and ad targeting.
  5. Implementing chatbots and virtual assistants for customer interactions and sales.
  6. Analyzing customer sentiment towards a brand or product.
  7. Overall, AI technology is making marketing more effective and efficient, leading to better ROI for businesses.

One of the most thrilling areas where AI is making a huge impact in marketing is in customer targeting and personalization. With the massive amounts of data available to customers, AI algorithms can now analyze and segment customers based on their demographics, behavior, and preferences. This means marketers can now create highly targeted and personalized campaigns that are guaranteed to resonate with specific groups of customers – talk about precision marketing!

But that’s not all, AI is also taking the guessing game out of marketing with predictive analytics. By analyzing historical data, AI algorithms can now make predictions about future customer behavior and market trends. This is giving marketers the power to make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI, making sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck.

And let’s not forget the automation factor, AI is now being used to automate a variety of tasks in the marketing process. From creating and optimizing content like social media posts, email campaigns, and website content, to automating customer service and even sales. This not only saves time and resources for marketers, but also ensures that the content is optimized for maximum engagement and conversion.

In short, the future of marketing with AI technology is nothing short of thrilling! As AI technology continues to evolve and become more advanced, it will enable marketers to better target and personalize their campaigns, make data-driven decisions, and automate their workflows. This will lead to more effective and efficient marketing efforts, ultimately resulting in better ROI for businesses and an overall more exciting marketing experience.

AI Technology: Why You Need to Jump On The Bandwagon

AI technology is changing the world by enabling machines to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. This is leading to the automation of many industries and processes, from manufacturing and transportation to healthcare and finance.

In the marketing industry, AI technology is being used to improve customer targeting and personalization, predictive analytics, and automation. By analyzing customer data and behavior, AI algorithms can help marketers create highly targeted and personalized campaigns that are more likely to resonate with specific groups of customers. This allows for more efficient use of marketing resources and a higher return on investment.

Predictive analytics is another area where AI technology is making a big impact in marketing. By analyzing historical data, AI algorithms can make predictions about future customer behavior and market trends. This allows marketers to make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI.

AI technology is also being used to automate a variety of tasks in the marketing process. From creating and optimizing content, to automating customer service, and even sales. This not only saves time and resources for marketers, but also ensures that the content is optimized for maximum engagement and conversion.

Overall, the integration of AI technology is transforming the marketing industry by enabling marketers to better target and personalize their campaigns, make data-driven decisions, and automate their workflows. This is leading to more effective and efficient marketing efforts, ultimately resulting in better ROI for businesses and a more sophisticated marketing strategy. As AI technology continues to evolve, it will change the way we approach the marketing field, making it even more efficient and effective.

AI technology has the potential to bring a wide range of benefits to individuals and businesses, and as such, it is becoming increasingly important for people to start using it. Here are a few reasons why:

Efficiency: AI technology can automate many tasks, from data entry to customer service, which can save time and resources.

Personalization: AI-powered algorithms can analyze large amounts of data on customers and provide personalized recommendations, which can lead to a better customer experience.

Predictive Analytics: AI technology can analyze historical data and make predictions about future customer behavior and market trends, which can help businesses make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations.

Innovation: The use of AI technology can lead to the development of new products and services, and open up new opportunities for businesses.

Competitive Advantage: As more businesses start to adopt AI technology, those who do not will be at a disadvantage in terms of efficiency, personalization, and innovation.

Improved Decision-Making: AI technology can help individuals and businesses make more informed decisions by analyzing a large amount of data, identifying patterns and trends, and providing insights.

In summary, AI technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work, and as such, it is becoming increasingly important for individuals and businesses to start using it. It can bring a wide range of benefits, from efficiency to personalization, and from innovation to a competitive advantage. Not to mention, it can improve decision-making. The earlier individuals and businesses start to adopt AI technology, the better positioned they will be to take advantage of its many benefits in the future.

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We have some exciting news to share!

We have some exciting news to share!

Time To Read: 3 minutes

We have some exciting news to share!

GreenFox Marketing has existed for more than 6 years. We have built a brand and a culture through serving our clients locally and nationally. We have created a business we are all so proud of.

Over the years, we have morphed and changed as we have grown, in order to match what our strengths are. To continue that effort, we have made the decision to rebrand GreenFox Marketing.

We are becoming VYBE Marketing and Media! This is something our team is excited about and something that our current and future clients will benefit greatly from. Under our new brand, our focus will continue to shift toward more creativity, more creation of content, more engaging media, more networking, and more support.

This shift will truly benefit our clients. We will continue to provide all the services we do, just with a heavier emphasis on content creation and innovative thinking.

Our VYBE is the future. Our VYBE is culture. Our VYBE is you.

We are so excited for what’s to come for our current clients and our future clients through our new brand, VYBE Marketing and Media.

-Kelsey, President & COO

WHY rebrand?

We want our brand to match our culture. We are forward thinking, future focused and service minded. We need our brand to match that.

Over the years we have seen that the vast majority of our clients are within the realm of real estate. This could be a home builder, a flooring distributor, a developer, HVAC company, mortgage company, insurance company, title company, or any number of other companies that have something to do with the real estate industry. Currently, approximately 85% of our clients fit this category.

As we shift to VYBE Marketing & Media, our goal is to become the experts at marketing the real estate industry. This means more chances for us to network our clients. This means we will have a stronger focus on our clients’ industry, which in turn will provide better marketing for them!

WHEN is the rebrand happening?

You will start to see us roll out our new brand now! We expect the complete rebrand to take a few months.

WHAT does this mean for me, as a client?

Nothing changes for you, our client, in the services we provide. We will continue to provide you with the elevated experience you have always experienced. On the backend, we are implementing different systems and processes to keep content creation and creative marketing at the forefront of everything we do. You will start to see that in our monthly meetings with you, and in our recommendations we provide to you.

ARE you only providing services to VYBE Realty?

Nope! Not even close!

As you may know, the owner of GreenFox, Eric Wilkins, has started a real estate brokerage named VYBE Realty. We are their in-house marketing team, but they are treated as one of our clients, not our ONLY client. They are one business we provide marketing for, same as you!


If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out! Thank you for being on this journey with us!

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What does GreenFox even do?

What does GreenFox even do?

Time To Read: 2 minutes

What does GreenFox even do?

“I thought you were a print company.”
“I thought you did ads on Facebook and stuff.”
“I thought you only worked with small businesses.”
“I thought you were for companies that didn’t have a marketing person.”
“I thought you just built websites.”
“I thought you only made logos.”

I’ve had people say all those things to me, and more. So many people don’t really know what all GreenFox does, or how we could help them. 

In short – we are a full service digital marketing agency. But what does that actually mean? That means that we sit down with our clients, we hear about what they’re currently doing, we hear about the pain points in their business, we hear about the things that are going well and the things that aren’t going so well. We ask questions about where they want to be six months from now, 2 years from now, 5 years from now. And then we make a plan. 

All of the work we do is custom to our clients, based on their needs, wants and goals. 

What we recommend for an apparel company is going to be vastly different then what we recommend for a luxury gated community. What we suggest for a company that has a product to sell online is going to be completely different than what we suggest for a company who just wants people to know about the service they have to offer. 

The plan that we create with our clients is one that has many different channels leading to one place. We want to create as many opportunities for people to hear, see and know about our clients as possible. Think of it as a neighborhood. The house is your business. We want to create several roads that lead to your house. The more roads there are, the more people can get to your house. But those roads will look different for every company, because each company is unique. 

Once the plan is in place, we execute. Simple as that. 

“But I already have a marketing person!” Great! Our most successful partner clients are ones that already have a marketing director. We come along side this person and help them excel at their job. We bring a full team behind this individual to help them get results for your business. 

So let me ask you this. 

Do you have pain points in your business? 

Chances are, you said yes. And if you didn’t, I want to get to know you better because I am sure there is a ton I can learn from you! 

The reality is, most businesses have pain points. Let us step in and help with those pain points. Let our team think outside the box for you and come up with a creative plan to help solve those pain points. Reach out today to schedule your free consultation! 

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Are You a Master at Being Creepy?

Are You a Master at Being Creepy?

Time To Read: 2 minutes

Are You a Master at Being Creepy?


As creepy as it sounds, you are followed around the internet every day. Brands are capturing how you interact with them and then showing you content based on those actions. Brands that choose not to do this kind of marketing are missing out on a HUGE opportunity.

“On average it takes someone seven times to interact with your brand before they make a purchase decision.”

Let’s walk through what normally occurs. You may have a facebook ad that leads people to your website. A small percentage of those people actually click on your ad and make it to your website. Once those people make it to your site, they likely do NOT make a purchase, and move on to never see your brand again.

What this could and should look like is a full funnel to continue to stay in front of people. We refer to this as a campaign strategy. It takes a true strategy to have a follow up plan. The best news is, this can be (and should be) AUTOMATED. Below you will see a full strategy we created for one of our clients. This is customized based on their specific needs.

If you want to see what a campaign strategy could look like for you? Simply schedule a zoom meeting with us below!

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How I Am Personally Marketing My New Business

How I Am Personally Marketing My New Business

Time To Read: 2 minutes



I personally started a new business. If you know me, you may not be surprised by that. However, I wanted to use this specific example as a “put my money where my mouth is” situation. In the weeks to come I will be putting a blog on our website at greenfox.io to share with you step by step what my successes and failures were in marketing my own business. For now, I will leave you with the very first thing I did. I simply made a video. You see, video is SO prevalent to getting people to understand what you are all about. In the video below, you will see that I am trying to show people that in the industry of Real Estate, I am going to offer the following:

High Quality Marketing
Be Fun To Work With
Work Hard
Be Unique In What We Do

I accomplish all of this in a matter of a two-minute video. To accomplish this project it took the following from me personally:

Script Writing- 2 hours Filming- 2 hours Total- 4 hours

So for a 4 hour time investment, I was able to present a video that 3 days in had over 3,000 views ORGANICALLY across all platforms. I spent no money in advertising but I did have a plan and the plan is continuing. I will send an update as I go. My goal here is to share with you that I believe in Marketing. Not only because I have a marketing agency but because I will personally do exactly what I talk to our clients about. I will have a plan and see that plan through! The results will be…Well, the results will be in the results.

MUCH more to come, but for now, enjoy the video by clicking the button below!

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The Answer To Consistent Marketing

The Answer To Consistent Marketing

Time To Read: 4 minutes



Yesterday, we talked all about how being consistent is an issue in our world. Today, I want to give you very practical things that will help you not only be consistent but to think with the long term in mind!

1. Create a marketing plan

In most cases, marketing is a long term game, much like generational wealth. You can’t just start something and magically make money, you have to plan! So, you need to create a marketing plan. You need to write down and know the following:

Target Audience The message to that Audience The media you will use to reach that Audience The lead capture system The lead nurture system you will use Your sales conversion strategy How you will repeat all of this consistently

2. Understand the Life Time Value of a Customer/Client

When talking to clients, we like to refer to this as the LTV of a customer. LTV stands for Life Time Value. So, we want to know what is the Life Time Value of a customer or how much we will make from that one customer, over time. Let’s say I own a gym. At my gym I am running ads on google and Facebook. I don’t know how to do this myself, so I am paying this amazing ad agency I heard about called GreenFox Marketing. I’m paying them $2500/ mo which is quite a lot for my small business. However, I know the numbers to look at because I know what the LTV of a customer is. At my gym, on average people pay $100/mo for a membership, plus they get sports drinks a few times a month and they add on additional classes once or twice a month so their total per month averages out to about $150/mo. On average we have seen people cycle in and out about every 2 years due to moving or just being tired of working out. So we take 24 months times $150/ mo and we get $3,600. So, this month at my gym, because of GreenFox, we brought in 10 new clients. Now, this month I’m only going to make $1500 ($150 X 10 new clients) but we spent $2500 on marketing. So really, we lost $1,000 right? Well, yes, but no. If I look at it that way, then yes, I have lost money that month and I’m upset about it. But because I understand that marketing is about consistency and the long term game I am able to take my $3600 that I will make off of each of those 10 people over a 24 month period and see that the $2500 investment just made me $36,000. Had I done zero marketing and just been doing my normal thing, then those 10 people would have never walked in the door. So, I would not have spent $2500 on marketing but I also would have brought in $0. So this results in the following: No marketing = Saved $2500 this month, made $0 over 24 months Marketing = Lost $1,000 this month, made $36,000 over 24months Just remember this, most of the largest and most successful businesses you know didn’t make much if anything when they kicked off their marketing approaches but look at them now. (Fedex, Amazon, Tesla, ESPN etc.)

3. Reporting Reporting Reporting

You HAVE to know how your marketing efforts are going. Marketing is not a set it and forget it system. There is no way you can be effective in your marketing if you don’t review the data. At the end of the day if you can understand data and adjust, then you will be ahead of the ones that don’t review their data. Imagine going 6 months without looking at your income and expenses. Imagine going 6 months and not looking into how much money is in your bank. You would never do that, but unfortunately people in marketing and small business owners do this day in and day out. It’s all part of consistency. There is nothing super exciting about reviewing data. However, if consistency is the key to long term success, then simple tasks like reviewing data should not be an option, but a requirement in order to grow! You’ve got this! Consistency is no easy task, but that’s the whole point. Good things and positive steps in business rarely come without consistency! If you need help in this process, don’t hesitate to reach out!

The Fourth of July is ALMOST here! Check out this video production we made at The Harbor on Possom Kingdom Lake a few years back!

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Your Marketing Is NOT Consistent Enough

Your Marketing Is NOT Consistent Enough

Time To Read: 4 minutes



Do you remember being in High School? There was always that group of kids that got better grades than everyone, finished tests faster than everyone, had a better appearance than everyone else and more. There was also that group of kids that consistently barely passed, were the last ones to finish tests and didn’t really care about their appearance. Both of these had one word in common.


Both groups were consistent. On one hand group A consistently did their homework, showed up to school every day, and worked hard to actually learn what they were being taught. The second group on the other hand, consistently did not do their home work, frequently missed school and tried to learn just enough to pass the class. Later on in life, the ones who consistently work hard and stick to being focused, are the ones that magically end up wealthy. Actually, this isn’t Disney World, there is nothing magical about it. It is simply FORWARD CONSISTENCY.

There is a stat that says:

Millennials account for 4.6% of the nations wealth, despite making up the largest population of the work force. Also, in 1989 when boomers were the age of millennials now, they accounted for 21% of the nations wealth.

This translates to the previous generation bringing in 3 times the wealth that this generation does. After observing and researching this, I believe it comes down to the fact that this generation has a major FOMO problem (fear of missing out.) Have you ever done this?

You pop on the social media platform of your choice (for the 12th time today), just to see an old acquaintance of yours that you haven’t seen in 10 years, driving your dream car and living your dream life. You click over to their profile to see what they could possibly be doing to live this life. You see that they wrote a best selling book. You look back and think, “I made higher grades than them in English Class, I’m going to write a book so I can live that life!” So, you open up a new google doc and start laying out your thoughts. You start with chapter one and start writing all the things you think people want to read about. You do this for a few days and feel pretty good about yourself. You then travel back into the social media world during a lunch break just to see yet another friend that sells sports vitamins, driving a new Cadillac and you think to your self, “Self, I can sell vitamins too…” so the google doc goes to the folder with the other dead ideas that never got completed. You move on to making a WIX site for your new vitamin business. I mean, it has been 4 days and your book isn’t finished nor is it a best seller yet, so it is time to move on. Little do you know, your friend, the book writer, went through a season where they tried to start a business, and it failed miserably. They foreclosed on their house, lost everything they had, started over by researching how to flip houses. They got involved in groups of investors, listened to podcast every day, met with banks and lender until finally someone gave them money to flip a house. Their first flip lost them $10,000 and nearly bankrupted them. They tried again, and again until they figured it out. Eventually enough people asked them for advice that they finally decided they should write a book about it instead of wasting all their time giving the same answer over and over. So they started the book writing process and two years later they released the book. Come to find out they created wealth through not only finishing a book but from years of hardship that got them to where they are now. Unfortunately, all we saw was the part where they wrote a book and were suddenly killing it. What’s the lesson here? The lesson is, this is pretty much a daily experience for most of us. The fear of missing out is so strong that we go from one thing to the next trying to get a quick dollar. Very rarely do people find overnight wealth from a good idea. It almost ALWAYS comes from FORWARD Consistency. We are going to make this a two part blog! The practical steps from a marketing prospect are coming tomorrow!

The Fourth of July is ALMOST here! Check out this video production we made at The Harbor on Possom Kingdom Lake a few years back!

The Fourth of July is ALMOST here! Check out this video production we made at The Harbor on Possom Kingdom Lake a few years back!

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Meet Our Newest Client

Meet Our Newest Client

Time To Read: 2 minutes


Nothing is more honoring to us as a team, than when someone chooses us to represent their brand. THAT Flag Company was started by a Military Man, Jordan Dea and is ran by him and his dad, Tim. They are an amazing company that are truly built based on a strong foundation of believing in America and what this country stands for!


1. Creative

Every good brand management partnership starts with good creative! Our team will be producing videography, photography, and graphic design for many pieces of this project, including but not limited to:

Social Media Posts Social Media Ads Google Ads Email Campaigns Website And more…

2. Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising is essentially defined as the practice of delivering promotional content to users through various online and digital channels. Our team will be providing just that! We will create and optimize digital ads for platforms such as

Google Facebook YouTube And more…

These ads are intended to point people right to (or back to) the website to potentially lead to a purchase of one of their flags.

3. Social Media Management

Social Media Management for business owners is HARD. It’s the last thing people think of doing, which basically makes it a place to brag about yourself when something really good happens. Well, with a following of over 37,000 people, we don’t want to waste the potential of their captive audience. We will be managing the day to day social media pages such as Facebook and Instagram. Our goal is to post creative, high engaging content that will lead the audience to the website to, you guessed it, make a purchase!

4. Being a TRUE Partner

Lastly, we are simply a partner to THAT Flag Company. Yes we are providing the above services, but more than that we are looking out for the best interest of the company as a whole. We will be providing thoughts, industry standards, ideas, and more. Our goal is for THAT Flag Company to feel like they have a full fledged marketing team behind them because at the end of the day, they do!

Last thing! Check out this Behind The Scenes video we made while filming their brand shoot!

Our newest client is a fun one! THAT Flag Company builds the most killer wooden and metal flags you have EVER seen! We are partnering with them to provide digital marketing services including Google, Facebook, and Youtube ads as well as manage their social media presence. The final video from this shoot will be out soon!

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Is Your Customer Service Hurting Your Brand?

Is Your Customer Service Hurting Your Brand?

Time To Read: 3 minutes


At GreenFox, we spend a lot of time talking about what TO do to earn and retain business. You know, things like; have a good social media presence, create a website that is engaging, have amazing design assets like video, photography, graphic design etc. However, one of the most powerful things you can do is STOP.

Stop having bad customer service.

Since our business is literally to work with other businesses, we always ask this question; What is the one thing that makes you better than your competition? Nine times out of ten the answer is the same. Can you guess what it is?

“Our customer service is better than anyone else.”

What’s the problem with this statement? Well, if everyone is the best, then no one is the best. Very rarely do we find out that someone’s customer service is ACTUALLY, the best. In order to get us kicked off to a new, fresh perspective on Customer Service and how to make it, “the best.” Here are


1. Make it Personalized

Try to use people’s names as much as possible
Eye contact
Have genuine conversation
Find something about THEM to talk about (shoes, clothes, car, tattoo, etc)

2. Be Competent

Sometimes bad customer service happens because we don’t know the answer to something, so we freeze up, get defensive, and give short answers. Knowing the answer is always best but when you don’t know the answer, here are a few things to do and not do.

Don’t say “umm”
Hesitation causes frustration, so be quick to say, give me one moment and I will get that answer for you.
Learn as much as you can. If you spend time learning about how many points per game Lebron has scored or the latest drama with the Kardashians, then surely you can spend a little time learning more bout the thing you spend your time doing 8+ hours/day.

3. Convenience is Key

Put processes in place to make it EASY to work with you and your company.
Eliminate frustrating processes
Make information just one click away. If people have to dig to find the solution to their problem, it is not convenient.

4. Be Proactive

Prepare for meetings
Think ahead to what questions you may be asked and have the answer ready to go.
Give your customers and clients an experience they aren’t expecting.
Don’t make your customers have to ask where the bathroom is. Give them good signage to get there.
Send updates on how their account or project is going before they have to ask for it.
Create timelines in the kick off phase of a project.

At the end of the day, if you get the same complaints and hear the same things every day and you are choosing to not do anything about it, that is bad customer service. Bad customer service leads to bad marketing of your business. Let’s all choose to be better this week! 

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Marketing Automation vs. CRM

Marketing Automation vs. CRM

Time To Read: 2 minutes


You may have done research comparing client relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation to see which fits your business best. Potentially investing in two different solutions will have you seek the actual difference to make the best decision. In this blog, we point out the differences between the two, provide a comparison sheet below, and demonstrate how you can use the differences to your advantage.

The Difference

To put it simply, CRM manages the sales pipeline process that includes individual emails, lead status tracking, task management, opportunity tracking, and pipeline reporting. Because CRM is opportunity management, it moves leads to opportunities and managing them, not offered by marketing automation.

Marketing Automation primarily focuses on digital email marketing and campaigns. It also manages lead activity tracking and scoring, along with landing pages and forms. Marketing automation’s core executes campaigns and doesn’t focus on tracking activity, form data, etc.

Key Things to Note

Marketing automation can feed information to CRM in the sales funnel. The leads of marketing automation include raw, viable, nurtured, active and marketing qualified leads. This is worked down the funnel to CRM, which includes sales accepted leads, opportunities, and closed/won. It is now possible to sync information both ways so that your marketing team knows what’s going on in sales while the sales and customer service teams know the marketing history of each prospect or customer that is interacted with.

The Advantage of Combining

For most businesses, it shouldn’t be a comparison of CRM and marketing automation to choose one over the other. Instead, it should be used in conjunction. SelectHub states that “one may think that the key difference between CRM versus marketing automation is that each platform manages database contacts at different stages in the marketing/sales cycle. This is no longer true.”


It’s not a question of either/or. You need both. It is critical and necessary to have a combination of CRM and marketing automation. Marketing automation is needed to allow marketing to manage digital campaigns and help prioritize leads. CRM is needed to help sales manage these leads and opportunities.

Here at GreenFox, we know combining CRM and Marketing Automation is crucial. That is why we offer The Marketing Dept. Platform. It literally gives you a full access platform for all your marketing needs. With the platform, users are able to have immediate access to the following from one single location.

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