Time To Read: 3 minutes


According to Hubspot, 78% of American consumers say they’ve discovered products on Facebook in the past. If you’ve ever tried to do anything Facebook-related with your business, you probably know and have experienced how daunting it can be to get it approved. Facebook is particular, and though you have to jump through hoops at times, it’s worth it because of the level of exposure and vast demographic audiences. There is many ways your business can get Facebook Ads approved that will generate awareness, bring in leads, and convert prospects; here’s just a few.

1. More Visuals, Less Text

Facebook’s ad policy requires ad images that do not have text over 20% of the area. It can be tempting to display as much information as possible, but be strategic and only use text that is needed. Allow the visuals and minimal text to drive the audience to navigate toward an effective landing page, where it will give them all the information they need. We recommend sticking with your branded campaign. Develop your campaign, the word verbiage, tagline, etc., that will make it easier to know what to include for it to all line up and make sense.

2. Clear Call to Action

Think through what you want your audience to do next. The entire ad should be centered and designed around the call to action. Do you want them to like your Facebook page, download a free template, or sign up for a newsletter? Be clear about what you want your audience to do next and then make it extremely easy and understandable for them to follow through. According to AdRoll, adding a call-to-action button boosts the click-through rate by 2.85 times.

3. Relevancy is Key

Facebook Pixels and extensive ad targeting options make it incredibly easy to promote relevant offers or content. It takes effort upfront but making your ad hyper-targeted will make it better and more effective since it is based on the audience’s past likes and site activity. Though we encourage hyper-targeted ads, we also warn of over-personalization. Harvard Business Review published a study that found when “unacceptable, third-party sharing had occurred, concerns about privacy outweighed people’s appreciation for ad personalization.” Don’t make users feel uncomfortable with your ads by making them feel like their personal information was accessed.

4. Add Value to Your Ad

What is encouraging your target audience to click through your landing page? Make sure it is something that your audience wants or will benefit from. Whether you’re providing information they need, a solution to their problem, or offering a great deal, it all helps lead your audience to your landing page.


Facebook’s goal is for users to have a positive experience when interacting with ads, which is why ads are manually reviewed. By using more visuals with less text, providing a clear call to action that offers value, and keeping it relevant will ensure a positive experience for your visitors, along with a strong conversion rate.

At GreenFox, we know getting Facebook Ads approved can be a hassle, along with other platform ads. We work to improve social media marketing and keep up with the constant changes in requirements and effectiveness. Learn more about how GreenFox can help improve your paid social media marketing strategy.

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